The Essence of Romance in Modern Living, Fact or Myth?

We all dream of meeting the prince (or the princess) on the white horse. And we are also convinced that it will happen, that it is possible, that it actually has to be done. But, as with fairy tales, the reality is different. Because that romantic happily ever after that we pursue, it does not exist at all.

The Options for the Cultures Now
Our culture makes love grow to a level that is only achievable for Cinderella and her Prince Charming. We have only one picture of how a relationship should be, namely a constant succession of wildly fluttering butterflies in your stomach, every time you see your lover (even after 25 years) and a lifelong pink cloud. So where we are all shocked collectively from landfill, when it turns out that this cloud can sometimes be darker in colour from time to time. It was very unfortunate and actually a little stupid.

The Normal Relationships
A normal relationship represents the perfect relationship for most people. In short: never quarrel, always in one line and a life-long steamy sex. If you do not have that, then something is wrong and you can better throw it aside. Love has become subject to the hysterically ambitious society in which we live today. For example, we are no longer happy with a job with which we earn our living, no, it has to be a job where we get a satisfaction that gives honour and status and gives us recognition. Only bread on the shelf is simply no longer sufficient. Our friendships must always be fun and interesting, our homes stylish and women worthy. And we carry on that same mind-set in love. Our ideals are sky-high, but at the same time, we have no idea how to achieve them. That is also logical. It simply cannot.

The Primary Requirements
"Sometimes people who have been together for years say that the sex is no longer good and that they are going to divorce. Then you have to wonder how realistic that is. That one sentence from Jerry Maguire, when Tom Cruise explains his love to Renée Zellweger and speaks the immortal words "You complete me" was very special.

Where Does It All Come From? 
But those who are looking for a perfect partner can stay asleep for 1,000 years as Sleeping Beauty. And then that brave knight comes to make that dragon for your tower room still no smaller. Better perhaps you can kiss the first frog and hope that there is a prince behind his slimy, pimply exterior. Although it may be somewhat imperfect, you should probably exchange your ball gown for your regular clothes after midnight.

Category : Romance
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