Elixir for Couples Without Children

If you live for your children, they may be smitten down and leave you desolate, or, what is far worse, they may desert you and leave you worse than childless in a cold and unfeeling world.”- Matthew Simpson. 

In current scenario, accepting this quote is very disturbing for the married couples. As we grew up in an era where life’s ultimate goal was to tie the knots and having a family, being a childless couple can feel distinctive when most of the people around you are parents. Watching people sharing a blissful & peaceful bond with their children can be felt a little depressing too. But as every coin has two sides if we look at the other side of this we can find some positive effects also that too are essential for our lives.

What it actually feels like being with your spouse without a child?
Not having children by choice & the problem of infertility are two completely different situations. But both of them have some common positive nature. Imagine living whole life with our soulmate like it has always been without any major adjustments & differences like: flexible schedules, more time together & the ability to go out whenever you want. The only differences that will be there are our career growths & age. When we choose not to have children then we are giving more importance to our careers & self-growth which is as important as having a family. Above everything self-love is being highlighted the most in this decision which is the most essential factor to live a happy & peaceful life. On the other hand if infertility leads to this, then there are other ways to make up for this such as adoption or accepting the situation positively.

Support each other & respect individuality
When you don’t have children around you then most of your ideal time is for yourself & your partner. Talk about each other's interests, be a good listener & encourage each other to pursue your desires. Respect each others individuality because it’s not important to always spend all of your free time with your spouse only. Take some me time as this will help you to see more of yourself & will also allow you to spend more energy to satisfy yourself. Talk about your time spent on yourself to your partner as your experiences apart from your partner will help you to develop your experiences together richer. All this will also helps you to forget about all the negative things of your lives.

Figure out the perils of just being two
This is most important & difficult one to understand. Obviously it’s the most beautiful thing that can ever happen to someone being with your loved one & spending your life growing old together. But life has a funny & sudden ways to crash your plans. Destiny can lead you to the situations where you have never even thought of going to. Like if unfortunately any kind of tragedy knocks to your door & separate you from your one & only love, you will be left alone & depressed. Surely, your family & friends would always be there to support you go through your difficult times. But losing the most important person of your life can be most horrid disaster. And when you have no child to look after you & support you during these difficult times or when you grow old, that will be time when you may regret your choices & decisions you took in the early days of your life.

So, always keep this thing in your mind that every important decision of  your life should be made patiently & by keeping all the pros & cons of it

Category : Relationship , Feelings , Emotions
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