Benefits of Getting some me Time in a Relationship

A romantic relationship can be overwhelming and to find some me time can be very difficult. But the irony is finding some me time is absolutely critical in the survival of the long term relationship. Self-intimacy gives up the time to reflect on who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. It is about allowing yourself permission to acknowledge your fears. Your time gives you the narrow window of opportunity to truly believe in yourself and gives you the inner strength to overcome whatever imagined obstacles that keep you from attempting to reach the goals you value.

Self-reflection is key in connecting with the person that you are. Once you connect with yourself you will be able to understand your role in relationships with others. Making time for healthy solitude gives you space for honest self-assessment as well as self-acceptance. It helps you clear all emotional baggage and moves ahead in life with clarity of thought. Spending time in self-medication is not merely self-indulgent. There are benefits daily reflective walk which is considered healthy solitude. This encourages your mind to think creatively. Self-reflection enables us to achieve just that amidst our attention being diverted by our daily chores and technology.

As you develop a stronger level of intimacy with yourself you can boost your personal relationship with others to a newer level of understanding. Self-acceptance teaches us to accept the faults or foibles of others. It teaches us to be more considerate of others. It’s okay to be human: It’s a condition we all share.

Journaling also has tremendous benefits. When we write the words that are buried in our thoughts, we get an opportunity to turn over the rocks and stones of daily life to see what’s hidden underneath or building up within. When words are spoken aloud or journaled they have better realized in reality. Through some me time you are giving space to feelings or thoughts that you have not yet crystallized into shape. Vision boards and dream boards and gratitude lists and all of the ways in which people are encouraged to map out their aspirations. By stating and writing about your innermost desires you have moved past the past or towards the future by being present in the company of an expressed idea.

Category : Relationship
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